Increasing Your Email Open Rate
When it comes to email marketing, few things are as important as the email open rate. You’re not going to get a response from everyone who reads your email, and you certainly need to work on your conversion rate – the rate at which these ads create sales – so that the emails are as productive as possible. But this all starts with simply considering how to get more people to open that email in the first place, giving you a wider potential audience for your increasing conversion rate.
But how do you do it? Twenty-five years ago, people tended to open most of the emails that they received because they were still a new and novel experience. Today, many people get thousands of spam emails every week, and they ignore the vast majority of the messages that come in. The average open rate is just around 20%. How do you get them to open yours? Here are a few things to keep in mind.
Reduce your list of subscribers
One way to increase the rate is simply to trim the subscribers who are no longer interested. They’re never going to open any messages. Maybe they signed up with email addresses they don’t use anymore. Maybe they’re unaware that they even signed up for your emails. In any case, this audience isn’t going to open anything, so removing them from the subscriber list allows you to focus on those who are actually interested.
Consider the day of the week
Interestingly, when you send emails has a big impact. Email open rates go down dramatically on the weekends, dropping to around 17%. The best day of the week, at 21.26%, is a Tuesday. So if you’re debating on sending a marketing email on Tuesday or Saturday, you’re far better off to send it on Tuesday. If you send it on Saturday, it could be buried by the time someone gets around to checking their email on Monday.
Focus on the hook
Your headline is the hook, and it is often the key. You need to engage your readers immediately, which you can do by asking questions. You can also do it by creating a leading headline that makes them want to know more. Another tactic is to appeal to urgency, such as saying that there is a sale on certain products that has to be taken advantage of right away. These are just a few examples, but you always need to remember that no one is going to read your content if the headline doesn’t hook them in some fashion.
Here at Content Customs, we have decades of experience in things like email marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization and much more. If you truly want to get the most out of your marketing efforts, get in touch with us at your earliest convenience.