OpenAI challenging Google for search supremacy
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been developing very quickly. At the forefront of the effort is a company called OpenAI, which is now financially backed by Microsoft. The company has developed ChatGPT, which can generate text and images. Recently, they announced a program known as Sora, which can use AI prompts to generate videos.
If all of this isn’t enough, it recently came out that OpenAI is working on a search engine. It appears that the goal is to directly challenge Google, which has had search engine supremacy now for decades. In many ways, ChatGPT simply aggregates information from other places on the web already, so a search engine isn’t a surprising step. But it will still be very intriguing to see if they can actually create a system that challenges Google – which even Microsoft’s own Bing search engine has not really been able to do.
Are there enough users?
One question that critics are asking is if there will be enough people using the search engine for it to make sense. After all, Google has around 4 billion users. Open AI has about 180 million people using ChatGPT. Even if they all switched over to use a new search engine, it wouldn’t make much of a dent in Google’s position.
The Microsoft influence
It is important to point out, however, that Microsoft has invested billions in OpenAI. They have been trying to challenge Google with Bing, as noted above. It could be that they have finally realized that will not work – despite adding AI tools into Bing – and so they are shifting gears. Those who say that OpenAI doesn’t have the experience or knowledge to create a search engine in the way that Google does may be overlooking the fact that Microsoft does have both the experience and the knowledge – just not the success.
The changing online experience
We are still very early in the development of artificial intelligence, and this is one of the ways that it’s going to change the user experience on the internet forever. It’s very important to keep an eye on these developments when considering search engine optimization (SEO), online marketing, social media marketing and all of the other ways that your business utilizes the internet. Get in touch with us here at Content Customs, to ensure that you are always at the forefront of these changes.