Accurate, detailed product descriptions are an absolute must for any online retailer. They have to grab the reader’s attention and sell the product by showcasing how it addresses the reader’s needs in a unique way, and by demonstrating the critical benefits that set it apart from the competition. Each product description must also provide as much information as possible to quickly answer all questions that the reader may have.
Always remember that readers have other options. They can shop anywhere at the click of a button. If they’re looking for a specific feature or quality and they’re not sure that your product offers it, it’s unlikely that they’ll contact you to find the answer. They’re just going to move on. You must showcase the product’s appeal, while also giving them as much information as possible in an efficient and concise manner, in order to hook them.
Why are Product Descriptions So Important?
Our professional team has decades of combined experience writing engaging, effective product descriptions that get the job done in any retail niche. We consistently work with companies and organizations that provide both goods and services, and we create top-quality content that pays for itself in increased sales.
Here are a few key stats that prove the value of having amazing product descriptions on your site:
- Product descriptions are the single most important form of content influencing a consumer’s buying decision, even outranking reviews and images of the product.
- For major online shopping niches like clothing and groceries, pricing is the only factor more influential than product descriptions on the final purchase decision.
- 50% of all people surveyed had returned at least one product they bought online because the product description ended up being inaccurate.
- 98% of shoppers have decided to opt out of an online purchase due to it having an incorrect or incomplete product description.
While stating the facts and features is crucial, we also know how to write product descriptions with character and flavor. Dry lists of details inform the reader, but they don’t get them excited. We help sell your product by connecting with the reader, helping them visualize how the product will benefit them, and showing them why this is the product that they should buy right now.