To Use Photos, or Not To Use Photos…
Many websites and blogs do not use images within their content. However, that does not mean that you should not use them. When you are writing a blog or an article, photos can be extremely beneficial to the rest of your written or video content.
If the pictures are congruent with the flow of the page, you can certainly use photos to create a sense of harmony between your visuals and written content. As the saying goes “a picture is worth a thousand words” and in many instances, images can add to the overall intent of the article and visually support several of the finer points.
Use Photos Tastefully
Having obscure or unrelated photos may confuse your readers or at least give them reason to question your credibility. Even if you think the photo is funny, if it has nothing to do with your content then its existence is unnecessary. Pictures that present obscure pop culture references within your photos may amuse some people, but not everyone will get the joke. Use your discretion if you want to reach a wider audience.
The right pictures will stimulate the user’s thought process and should make their web-viewing experience more beneficial, as well as more pleasurable. When choosing pictures for your page, ask yourself whether the picture enhances, deteriorates or is neutral to the rest of your page.
Unless it enhances your content, you may want to consider using another photo or nothing at all. While presenting an inappropriate or confusing picture may decrease your readership, having no picture will not cause any damage.
Use Photos to Enhance the Content
Studies have shown that most Internet users tend to scan pages rather than reading each sentence thoroughly. This is caused by a number of factors, including the rate at which information can be processed on a screen compared to paper. Experienced users can distinguish the useful information from the useless.
Structuring your text into a clear narrative will help facilitate the process of comprehending your site’s content. Pairing photos to their relevant texts will improve the speed and maneuverability of your site’s navigation.
Users may find it easier to access information if it has a visual counterpart. You can combine large sections of text with a single photo or accompany a set of photos with a small amount of text depending on the situation. You should use photos on your page as you would in a slideshow. They should supplement your other information, rather than dictate the entirety of your content. Including multiple forms of media on your page increases your audience’s interest in your page. The variety will increase the flow of your article and stimulate the interest of your page’s visitors.
Keep the Page Readable
Too many pictures can be distracting and possibly confusing. Make sure you keep your pictures at a moderate level, using them only to increase the efficiency in the reading of your page. Do not bog down your content with obscure or irrelevant images. This will only decrease the flow of traffic to your site.
People can process the information in a picture much more quickly than information from a block of text. As users scan your page, they will be able to obtain more information if you include visual elements. Some bloggers focus entire articles on a photo. Pictures are an essential tool for the blog writer when used correctly.
Having useful photos that increase the readability of your page and enhance the reader’s experience will make users more likely to return to your page. People like visiting sites that are easy to navigate and that have the content they enjoy. Balancing your content, images and videos will help give your readers a smooth and agreeable web experience.