You Can Now Embed Facebook Posts
By now, everyone’s accustomed to pulling links from news, entertainment and business websites and posting them on Facebook. In an apparent effort to obtain more visibility – and get some inbound links for once instead of only outbound links – the world’s biggest social network is now allowing users and visitors to embed Facebook posts on their own websites and blogs, according to Mashable.
More specifically, you will be able to embed photographs, videos and status updates directly from Facebook – basically, anything you can post, you can embed.
Rules and Logistics of Embedding Facebook Posts
If you check your Facebook account today, you might not have have the ability to embed posts just yet. But once you do, you’ll see a handy little “Embed post” link right above the link that allows you to report a post. Clicking the link will provide you with a code you can copy/paste wherever you’d like; if you’ve embedded content from YouTube or Twitter before, the process will be very familiar.
Only public posts will be embeddable, and Mashable says that about 72% of Facebook users post privately. Of course, if you’re using your site for anything related to business, it’s more likely that you’ll be embedding posts mostly from news outlets and industry notables.
About a month ago, Facebook implemented Twitter-style hashtags for easier conversation tracking. Embedded Facebook posts can include hashtags too, and you can click on them to track the conversation yourself.
This is obviously a great opportunity for Facebook to reach an even larger audience. If a person is browsing one of their favorite blogs, for example, and they’ve never had their own Facebook account, seeing an embedded Facebook post will give them an instant impression of what’s included in a Facebook post, how many people have “liked” and shared it, how the post attracts comments, and what the interface looks like in general. It’s also a major boon to websites and blogs who, until now, have had to settle for homespun screenshots of Facebook posts whenever they want to share one within their content.