Generating Good Article Topics
One of the most common and frustrating aspects of developing a web site that provides a high level of value to your intended audience is generating good article topics. This often requires a great deal of research and thought.
One of the temptations that I often struggle with is getting away from the topics that I have the greatest understanding of and thinking as if I was the reader of the site. Beyond considering which keywords will be most effective, think of which topics would be of most value and best serve the visitors that the web site is intended to serve.
For example, consider a web site focused on playing the guitar as a beginner. Some of the things that beginning guitar players might want to know right off the bat include:
- How to Choose a Good Guitar
- Finding Beginning Guitar Method Books
- Replacing a Broken Guitar String
- The Process of Tuning a Guitar
- Finding the Best Guitar Sheet Music
You might not be very familiar with beginning guitar method books. However, many visitors to your web site will be very interested in choosing such books. In addition, such a topic also gives you the opportunity to take advantage of some affiliate programs that will give you a percentage every time a visitor to your web site buys one of their method books using your links.
Researching Article Topics
One of the biggest mistakes that you can make when researching which article topics you want is relying on one or two other web sites to determine which ones will be of the most value. Instead, one of your first stops should be the forums. What are people talking about now? There may be posts on a web site that are years old and no longer of interest to many people. However, forum posts are dated. You might find out about recent news in your web site’s subject matter that you previously did not know about.
Another way that you can get some free information about good article topics is by literally asking professionals in that field about what things they consider when practicing their craft. By simply sending an email to some selected professionals, you might be surprised at how much good, free advice you can get. Educators in particular will be very familiar with the questions that beginners tend to ask and typically enjoy giving advice to people that need it.
Finally, consider investing the time in taking part in the activity that your web site centers around. By doing so, you can be your own contributor. For example, if you decide to start a sewing web site but do not have a great deal of experience with sewing, try it out for a while. Ask yourself the following questions:
- What materials do I need to begin?
- How can I find the best sewing patterns?
- How long does it take to sew?
- What are some of the issues that I have been having as a beginner in sewing?
- Where do I prefer to sew?
- Are there any resources that I have found useful in learning to sew?
You don’t have to become a master at the craft but by taking the time to try it out for a while, you will have much more insight into exactly what your visitors will want to know.