How to Develop Content with SEO in Mind
In a perfect world, search engines would order results based on the true relevance and accuracy of articles. In reality, however, operators of search engines, such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo aren’t able to read and assess all of the information on the Internet, they must rely on their mathematical algorithms to order the results.
Nearly all content writers understand how these algorithms work, and incorporate a process called Search Engine Optimization (SEO) into their writing. If you are looking to create substantial traffic to your site, it is critical that you employ a variety of SEO techniques.
There are two major aspects search engine algorithms use to rank content. These are keyword density, and quantity of incoming links. There are steps you can take to make your content more attractive in the eyes of search engines in both of these areas.
Keyword Density
Search engines order results based, in part, on keyword density. Keyword density is the keyword percentage of your content. Optimally, you should mention your keyword between 1% and 2% of the time. If your keyword density is less than this, search engines won’t recognize your content as relevant to that keyword search. If your keyword density is more than about 2%, search engines get suspicious that they’re getting ‘gamed’, and that your information is less than reputable.
There are two types of keywords: long tail keywords and short tail keywords. Long tail keywords are longer and more specific, while short tail keywords are short and general. Short tail keyword searches are conducted significantly more often than long tail keyword searches, so if you can get your content ranked highly using them, you’ll get much more traffic.
On the other hand, short tail keywords are much more competitive and it’s extremely difficult to rank highly. Long tail keywords are searched less frequently, but make it easier to write high ranking content.
Incoming Links
Each site that links to your content makes your site rank higher in search engine results. The rationale is that good information will be linked to more often. If you create high quality and accurate content (which you should), over time, these links will accumulate. Usually, however, it’s best to create a few links of your own to get the ball rolling. Ask your business associates, suppliers, clients and other affiliates to put your link on their site.
By doing this, you expose your site to others who could potentially supply you with more links. It’s best to include the keyword you’re hoping to rank in as the linking text. For example, if your keyword is ‘blue wigs’, make the text of the link ‘blue wigs’.
Learning how to develop content with SEO in mind is really quite simple. Combining the correct keyword density with sufficient incoming links to key to drawing traffic to your website. Ideally, you should hire a content writing company to implement SEO for you. These writers have experience in SEO, and know further tricks to help you get the top search engine spot.