The Advantages of Email Marketing
Email marketing has been around for decades. After all, the first email was sent more than 50 years ago, in 1971. By the 1990s, it was being used for plenty of marketing campaigns. Audio and video content didn’t come along until much later, and things like social media have only gained their current level of popularity over the past decade or so. There has been a lot of time for change and innovation.
But don’t assume that means email marketing is done or that it can’t be effective. In fact, there are some experts who says that it is a “rising priority.” It’s only getting more important, and your company needs to be ready to take advantage of that moving forward. This process starts with careful consideration of some of the advantages of using email marketing for your clients and customers.
Email Marketing Is “Highly Visible”
Social media marketing can get your material in front of millions of people, but that also means you’re competing with a lot of noise. A marketing campaign on Facebook, for instance, can get lost in a sea of updates from a user’s friends and family members. You also have to compete directly with a lot of other targeted ads in the same space. Things can get chaotic, and that means your marketing may not gain the traction you’d hoped for. With email, the reader has far less to think about and there is not nearly the same level of competition, so your individual message becomes more visible to that reader.
Email Marketing Can Be Customized
Additionally, you can customize your email messages for specific clients. You may know someone’s gender or age, for instance, and that can play into the way you frame your message. With other types of marketing, you have to pick something that will work for as many people as possible, so it’s not specific to anyone. Adding more detail and attention to an email may make it more likely to create a conversion.
Email Marketing Can Target Repeat Customers
One of the very best things about email marketing is that you get many of those email addresses when people make purchases. You can then use them to put similar ads back in front of the same consumers. You already know that they like your products. You know what they tend to buy. You know they like your brand. You don’t have to work as hard to convince them of all of that, so you can focus on providing them with timely content that is built specifically for them, and it’s highly likely to be effective.
Are You Using Email Marketing This Year?
You know that email is a rising priority, but are you getting all you can out of your marketing efforts? Are you getting the conversions that you need? We would love to lend our expertise here at Content Customs, so we encourage you to get in touch with us today.