How can you lower your bounce rate?
If you’re running a website, you need to pay attention to your bounce rate. This is the rate at which visitors land on your page and then immediately leave. They don’t interact with the site in any way. They don’t navigate to other pages, and they certainly don’t make a purchase. This is why having a high bounce rate can have a negative impact on your conversions.
It also underscores the fact that you don’t just need more site traffic. Yes, increasing your visibility is important. But you have to do it the right way. Increased visibility won’t benefit you if everyone who sees your site is instantly bouncing off and choosing another option off of the search results page. So what can you do to lower this rate?
Are you targeting the wrong people?
One thing to consider is if you’re just targeting the wrong audience. Clearly, your marketing efforts and keywords are getting your site in front of these individuals, but they don’t actually want the goods or services that you offer. There is some level of discontent.
One reason for this could be if you are using the wrong keywords. Some companies will optimize for keywords that allow them to rank highly, but those keywords don’t actually have much to do with the company itself. Anyone who runs that search isn’t satisfied with the results and knows it immediately, so the high ranking isn’t really beneficial.
Is there a problem with the site itself?
A high bounce rate can also have to do with your site design, not just the SEO. Maybe the landing page is broken. Perhaps the site is too cluttered and confusing. Maybe the navigation is unclear. Maybe certain elements of the page load slowly and modern audiences just give up after a second or two. Perhaps your site does not look professional enough and does not make a good first impression. There are millions of sites to choose from, so any little issue may be enough to cost you significantly. Your audience will just look elsewhere.
Reducing your bounce rate
As such, if you want to reduce your bounce rate, you need to identify the unique issues your site is facing and work to correct them. Maybe you need to revamp your SEO strategy to incorporate new keywords. Maybe your site design needs an overhaul so that it looks modern and provides the audience with the experience they expect. Every situation is unique, but our experienced team here at Content Customs can help you find a solution that works for you. Call today.